Your Technological Partner

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Developing Digital Innovation


Our mission is Defense of your Business


we offering a wide range of full services


Design services consist of making an inventory of the existing system and defining strategic guidelines for the IT infrastructure.

The advantages are: 

  • Ensure a good understanding of the existing context;
  • Facilitate the adoption of new technologies taking into consideration the existing;
  • Identify possible developments and optimizations of your IT;
  • Establish a precise and economically advantageous budget;
  • Evaluate the feasibility requirements.

The amount of time spent in planning and design is critical for the successful of a project.

Industry "Best Practice" suggests that it is much more expensive to solve problems that occur during the implementation of a project than to address them at the start of a project.

The DASTechnologies Project Manager Team helps customers in managing the project by ensuring that the objectives are achieved effectively, on time and in full compliance with the agreed budget.


The vendor-agnostic approach allows our team to offer impartial and expert advice on the solution best suited to your current and future needs.

With experience in a wide range of technologies and sectors, DASTechnologies can provide expert technicians where and when they are needed.

Our additional services includes:

  • Implementation;
  • Migration; Configuration;
  • Tuning;
  • Network administration;
  • Management of security policies.

This service consists in taking charge and management on behalf of the customer of the company information system through the addition of technical support on-site or remotely

IT services outsourcing helps companies free up capital and reinvest it in activities more oriented to its core business.


This service covers the needs of customers' system services within particular time slots such as night, holiday seasons and public holiday included. Our team is at your disposal to resolve any incident that might happen,


Staff training is a fundamental part of our business to customers, so that DAST can help develop your team with the same passion with which it develops its own.

A technical figure of the DAST team is also CCAI - Academy Instructor.

Continuously active courses for obtaining the Cisco CCNA certification.



applied to multiple areas of expertise

for ICT infrastructures needs

for ICT infrastructures needs

for ICT infrastructures needs

for ICT infrastructures needs

for ICT infrastructures needs

for ICT infrastructures needs

Managed service services are designed to guarantee continuity and renovation of services.


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