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Asterisk is a free and open source framework for creating communication applications and is sponsored by Digium.

Powerful Asterisk IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers are used by small businesses, large enterprises, call centers and governments around the world. DASTechnolgies has acquired over time the skills for the implementation of this system that allows to obtain the same functionality offered by other proprietary systems in the face of a much lower expenditure and greater flexibility.


Cisco is one of the world's leading IT companies.
It solves the most important business challenges of client companies, providing smart grids and technology architectures built on integrated products, services and software platforms. DASTechnologies, since its inception, has invested in technical training on Cisco systems, achieving and maintaining the prestigious Cisco Premier Partner certification over the years.

DASTechnologies Srl owns the Cisco specializations:

- "Advanced Core and WAN Specialization";
- "Express Foundation";
- "Small and Midsize Business Specialization".


With the new Unified Communications platforms, communications are part of the business processes of companies and are enabling new, faster, easier and smarter collaboration approaches. Software applications represent the real advantage of this collaboration architecture, as they connect the technology to the user's workspace, maximizing company resources, productivity and reducing TCO. Imagicle is committed to being the reference partner for this type of application, enabling Unified Communications on large, medium and small businesses and completing new IP platforms with simple software applications and advanced support services.


Patton's specialty is the interconnection of legacy serial systems with next-generation voice systems based on IP, data and multimedia technologies and TDM.

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